

What kind of workouts will you be doing?

In my eyes there are three types of people that workout, people that want to move, people that want to be strong, and people that want to be competitive. Decide who you are.



General Fitness: If your main goal is to be healthy and build muscle then your workouts will consist of compound movements along with a variety of smaller exercises and cardio to keep you moving and sweating.



Strength: If your goal is to get as strong as possible you can expect to mainly focus on compound movements and variations of lifts that will complement your big three lifts.



Competitors: If you’re a competitive athlete or you simply want to train like one then your workouts will be based on competition and making sure you’re doing the specific things that will lead to the best chance of success in your sport.



Performance Nutrition

With your programming you will be given help with nutrition in order to reach your strength, physique, and fitness goals.
